Get Started — Beginners
Thinking about studying Aikido? The first step is to visit the dojo during a scheduled class time to observe training and meet some of the other students. During this time you can ask questions and decide if you are ready to get started doing Aikido. You may arrive on any day to observe class.
When you decide to join the dojo, simply come by fifteen minutes prior to any class to fill out paperwork and get fitted for a training uniform. You may begin training the same day you sign up. New students are integrated into regular class and receive additional attention from instructors and senior students. When pairing up in class, the training is always adjusted to the level of the junior student to ensure safe training and efficient learning.
New students are encouraged to attend as many classes as possible, because the curriculum contains a sampling of the most fundamental movements and techniques in the Iwama Aikido curriculum. New students also benefit greatly from training with Seniors. In addition to these classes, students may attend classes with Richard on Friday.
“I love you guys. From the first day I came into Sunset Cliffs Aikido and I observed you, all I felt there was something special here.”